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German eko ni English

German lessons in English.
Are you ready to immerse yourself in the beauty and richness of the German language? Welcome to “almancax” your premier destination for a comprehensive collection of German language courses and resources. Whether you’re a novice learner or striving to reach advanced proficiency, our curated selection of German lessons caters to learners of all levels and interests.

Basic German lessons for beginners. This category includes German lessons from zero to intermediate level. Some of the lessons in this category are as follows: German alphabet, German numbers, German days, German months, seasons, colors, hobbies, German personal pronouns, possessive pronouns, adjectives, articles, food and drinks, German fruits and vegetables, school-related words and sentences. There are courses such as.
In this category titled German lessons, we also include German months, German fruits, German hobby words, the most used words in German daily life, German school items, German food names, drink names, German numbers, greeting words, farewell words, family members, time phrases. There are thousands of words from many different categories. Many of our lessons are supported by colorful and entertaining visuals.